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What We Do

Our Services

The chart of talent Management

Talent Management

Talent management is a new concept in training.  Training nowadays is no longer a “stand alone” component, but the customized intervention tool base on an in-depth and reflective company information, especially about people performance.  Our Talent Management Framework combines both training programs and data analyses as part of a strategic system which assists companies towards better management of human capital.

Team Development

We believe that people learn and perform best when they are immersed in a fun, yet stimulating process.  Thus, SENSE has an in-house REDTEAM (Researching, Exploring, Designing, Testing, Execution, Aid-production & Monitoring) that focuses on training program development.  Our learning based programs upgrade teams with tools for better communication, trust, productivity, strategic planning, so as to fully utilize of your human capital. 


The blurred intermingling of time zones on the global market can impact the individuals that keep your global business running.  Retreat camps, seminars or workshops can help them regain perspective for balanced and sustainable approaches that benefit them AND the company at the same time.


Under the framework of talent management, one of the most imperative business strategies that are used to build up and maintain talent is leadership development.  We provide training and coaching services for management to optimize their leadership, and facilitate performance management with soft and hard skills.

Leadership Development

Change Management

Keeping up with the speed of change can be daunting in the digital age, and organizations can benefit from an outside perspective on coping.


Change management is a structured process to improve teams and individuals to a desired state and achieve a desired outcome.  It provides a competitive advantage for organizations to effectively respond to changing market needs and lead the industry.

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Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

© 2024 by SENSE Training ‧ LEGO®️ SERIOUS PLAY®️ Hong Kong | 網上培訓 | 團隊建立 | 企業培訓

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